Lincoln Weather Closing Protocol

Lincoln Weather Closing Protocol

As winter weather is now upon us, it is important that families and staff are notified of school closings as soon as possible so plans can be made for an unexpected no-school day. If the weather cooperates we always attempt to make the call the night before. But more likely the school closing decision won’t be made until the middle of the night,  but usually no later than 4:00 a.m.

How is a school closing decision made?

When bad weather is anticipated, members of Lincoln's Transportation Department are out driving the roads and assessing road conditions. The Lincoln district covers 72 square miles, many of these in rural areas. Considerations include road conditions, amount of snow, will sidewalks be cleared and safe for walking, and is the temperature safe enough for students to walk to school or bus stops? A recommendation based on all these factors is made to the Superintendent. This includes a discussion with neighboring districts. A decision is usually made no later then 4:00 a.m.

How are families informed?

Because our middle and high school students catch their bus as early as 6:20 a.m., we plan to notify all families no later then 5:30 a.m. This will include an automated phone call to all Lincoln students and staff. We know this is early, especially for elementary only families, but we also know many families need to make plans for a day off of school. We also notify local radio and television stations. You can always find the closing list on Channels 2 (Fox), 4 (NBC), 7 (ABC) and 62 (CBS) as well as all major radio stations in the Ann Arbor and Detroit area. We also post a notice on the district website (, and use Facebook and Twitter.